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Methods, Notes, and References

In order to maintain the narrative style of each landscape, this page includes additional contextual information including how certain data came to be included or excluded and how to trace our sources in time and space.

Appendix: Inner_about

A Reflection on Methods

Ethnography: Because we wanted to give viewers the same experience we had day to day in the town of Attica, much of our data is ethnographic. We did not feel the need to adjudicate whether the information our interlocutors provided was factually accurate. After all, every fact has its own underlying positionality and frame. Rather, we wanted to present our conversations and experiences as they happened. Our goal was to share knowledge from the residents of Attica and how they experienced living or working there. 

Pseudonyms: We recognize that Attica is a small town with a tight-knit culture. That being said, we opted to replace the names of our interlocutors with pseudonyms in order to protect their identities from those unfamiliar with the town. We appreciate the vulnerability and openness of those who were willing to speak with us and feel that this is the most respectful way to share their stories.

Photos: All of the photos found within this website were taken by a member of our research group unless otherwise noted on the photo itself. We wanted to standardize at least one image per landscape, and this led us to spend our final visit capturing images of these locations on the same snowy day. 

Appendix: Welcome

A Note on Holes

After compiling our data and revisiting Story's film, we realized that our platform has two prominent holes worth filling through future research: 

Places of Worship: There are at least five churches within the town of Attica itself and somehow we managed to make it through a semester of research visits without visiting a single one. This likely had to do with our regular Friday trip time, but was also just an oversight on our part. Particularly since we have found articles and brochures detailing ministries of local churches within the two prisons, it would seem as though speaking to clergy or churchgoers would be a worthwhile endeavor. 

Voices of the Formerly Incarcerated: Brett Story does a beautiful job of capturing the voices and narratives of those who have been previously incarcerated. These tales make up several of the landscapes in her work and we feel as though our piece is incomplete without including these experiences as well. Though we were unable to document the stories of any people formerly incarcerated in either Attica or Wyoming Correctional Facility, those who continue this project should attempt to do so.  

Appendix: Welcome
Appendix: Welcome


Home Page

Story, Brett. “Director’s Statement.” The Prison in Twelve Landscapes.

Walmsley, Roy. World Prison Population List (tenth edition). International Centre for Prison Studies.

Story, Brett. “The Prison in Twelve Landscapes Trailer.”

Stevens Memorial Library

I. Librarians in discussion with research group, October 9, 2018.

II. Librarian from Attica in discussion with research group, October 19, 2018.

Oppenheimer, Mark. "‘Blood in the Water,’ a Gripping Account of the Attica Prison Uprising." The New York Times, 2016. 

III. Librarian in discussion with Emerson Finkle, October 26, 2018.  

IV. Librarians in discussion with Emerson Finkle, December 7, 2018.

Attica Pharmacy

“Attica Pharmacy - Attica Pharmacy.” Attica Pharmacy,

Ferrini, Julia. “Attica Pharmacy Ribbon Cutting.” Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce,

National Register of Historic Places Registration Form. Town of Attica, 2013, National Register of Historic Places Registration Form.

Pharmacy employees in discussion with Allie Fischgrund on November 2, 2018.

Attica High School

Elise Meyer in discussion with Paige Brugger on December 5th, 2018. 

Josh Audsley in discussion with Paige Brugger and Skylar Cerbone on December 7th, 2018. 

Arcade Attica Railroad


“Arcade and Attica Railroad.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 18 May 2018,

Springirth, Kenneth C. Arcade and Attica Railroad. Arcadia Pub, Charleston, SC, 2009.

Train conductor in discussion with group members during visit on November 29, 2018.

Attica Historical Society

I. Attica Historical Society Volunteers in discussion with research group, November 11, 2018.

Trolander, Hardy W. "Leland C. Clark Jr. Memorial Tribute." The National Academies Press

Potter, Alice F. and Edward-Barross Holl. "The Potter Collection." Attica Historical Society

II. CO from Attica Correctional Facility in discussion with research group, October 19, 2018.  

"Attica Prison Preservation Foundation & Museum." Wyoming County Tourism. 2018.


Cable, Dustin. “The Racial Dot Map.” University of Virginia Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service. 2013.

Hurston, Zora Neale. “How It Feels to Be Colored Me.” The World Tomorrow. 1928.

Appendix: Homepage_about

Attica in Twelve Landscapes

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