The first time our group drove past the prison felt like a surreal dream. The following are just a few of the thoughts and questions which bubbled up during this initial face-to-face encounter.
The distance between the town and the prison is quite interesting. It feels like the prison is a three minute drive from the edge of Main Street and there are people who live right across the road from the prison itself. How do they feel?
The structure of Attica Correctional Facility reminds me of a castle or a kingdom and I'm interested in learning more about the designer. Why do some prisons have less appealing architecture while others are so beautifully designed?
As we drove past Attica Prison, there was a beautiful view of hills and trees on the other side of the road. Who gets to see this view? Do those in the prison ever see it?​
It feels only fitting that the final landscape be Attica Correctional Facility and Wyoming Correctional Facility themselves. Though as we realized quickly, Attica certainly gets far more visibility, while Wyoming is left like a forgotten sibling, tucked behind in the trees.